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Strive to be a well read person – Collection 1

As every good writer should know and all beginning writers should learn, to read is to write.

You should be well read to also write well.

Thus I am starting this post series, named “Strive to be a well read person”, in which I will highlight book purchases I make. Each will have an accompanying GoodReads link. Feel free to add me as a friend over on my GoodReads profile, and if possible, let me know who you are so I can be sure to accept the request.

That said, let’s get to the new purchases.

As one can see, this haul has a solid mix of music biography, fictionalized history, British sci-fi novelization, British comedian biography, a dash of professional wrestling, and then social and cultural discussion about the world we live in.

Should be some good things to add to my ever growing pile of books to consume.

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